Russian roulette. Game

by Yami Apps


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Russian roulette Game it is a joke, prank and simulator weapon for drawing or comic resolution of the dispute with a friend.Do you like to play your friends in an adult? Are you a gambler and bet like? Do you like guns, pistols and revolvers? If so, download Russian roulette Game app. Play and have fun! Bettor is charged in the gun barrel one bullet scrolled drum, not knowing where it was, pulled the trigger. Find out how you are lucky in the dispute! You risk nothing, its just a game!Use the volume buttons on the phone to control the gun sounds. This comic game with vivid sound effects will make you really worried and friends.Bet and play!Attention! Russian roulette Game app is only the game and joke, and can t cause any harm to human health and life! The game is absolutely safe!